19:57 / 28.04.2020

EPSILON DC: New Ayzavat gas condensate field discovered with potential reserves of up to 10 bcm


On April 28, upon completion of drilling Ayzavat-8 exploratory well in Kultak-Kamashi investment block, the company obtained gas inflow at 2,955 m depth. The open-hole flow rate currently exceeds one million m³ of gas per day. The exact flow rate will be measured after connection to a new gas flowline.

The works at Ayzavat-8 relied on Uralmash 3D drilling rig that was modernized in cooperation with Oilfield Tools Nevada LLC, USA. The rig now boasts modern parts and automated equipment control system. Maximum drilling speed increased from 10 to 22 m per hour. This helped complete drilling 25 days ahead of schedule.

In addition, Epsilon is about to finish drilling of well No. 1 at new Shimoliy Bishkent prospective structure located in the same investment block.

All operations are in full compliance with relevant sanitation, epidemiological and environmental standards. The extracted hydrocarbons are being channeled to the domestic market.

Epsilon Press Office
