SOCIETY | 22:04 / 12.09.2020
2 min read

Number of people promising to enroll students in universities for money detained

During the period of entrance exams to higher educational institutions, there have been many cases when some individuals promised to enroll students for large sums of money.

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In particular, a teacher of mathematics from one of the public schools in the Pastdargom district of the Samarkand region promised four applicants to assist in their enrollment in the Samarkand State Medical Institute with a help of his high-ranking acquaintances, demanding $12,000 from each of them.

During an operational event, the man was detained red-handed when receiving US$40,000, the Prosecutor General’s Office said.

Also, a teacher of the Samarkand Pedagogical College, a native of the Ishtikhan district, deceived a local resident, promising to assist him with enrollment in Miras University, located in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, and demanded $5,500 for this. He was caught red-handed when receiving the money.

A pediatrician of one of the family polyclinics in Jizzakh also promised a local resident to assist in enrolling in the distance education department of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and demanded $8,000. He was detained by the Jizzakh regional office of the SSS.

During the inquiry, it was established that he was going to give the money to his accomplice, who worked as a pediatrician at the clinic of the Institute.

So the operational event continued in the city of Tashkent, where the doctor was detained while receiving the abovementioned $8,000.

At present, criminal charges have been filed in all the identified cases, and steps are being taken to identify other individuals involved.

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