SOCIETY | 21:51 / 16.10.2020
2 min read

Rasul Kusherbayev proposes to lower customs duties on imported cars

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, Rasul Kusherbayev, proposed to reduce customs duties on imported cars.

He told this in an interview with

“The main objective is to reduce duties. Since they (UzAuto Motors) raise prices unjustifiably, I think we should start with it. If we continue, the next step will be the issue of tariffs. UzAuto Motors is so strong that it may exert its influence on any decision,” he said.

To remind, UzAuto Motors has previously appealed the decision of the Antimonopoly Committee to lower the car prices, after the Antimonopoly Committee filed a case against UzAuto Motors at the end of July, following a parliamentary request from several deputies of the Legislative Chamber to the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee asking to study the activity of UzAuto Motors and the company’s compliance with the Law “On Competition”.

Later, on August 19, the Antimonopoly Committee of Uzbekistan considered the case against UzAuto Motors for violation of the Law. As a result, UzAuto Motors was required to return millions of soums to buyers of Spark, Nexia, Cobalt, Gentra and Damas cars.

However, the company stated that UzAuto Motors would not lower the prices of cars. The representatives of the car manufacturer stressed that the decision of the Special Commission was not final and that further action would be determined on the basis of the outcome of a judicial review.

On October 2, the Tashkent city administrative court began hearing of the UzAuto Motors case.

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