SOCIETY | 17:37 / 03.11.2020
1 min read

State Statistics Committee announces total number of private enterprises in Uzbekistan 

As of October 1, the total number of economic entities in Uzbekistan amounted to 394,234 units, the State Statistics Committee says.

Of the above-mentioned amount, 88,855 (22.5%) are private enterprises.

According to the committee, the city of Tashkent has almost twice as much (12,779) private enterprises as the Surkhandarya region (6,991), Fergana has 10,523 and Kashkadarya – 9,015.

It is noted that 33,457 enterprises are specialized in trade, 16,007 – in industry, 7,818 – in construction, 7,725 – in services for accommodation and meals.

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