POLITICS | 10:39 / 30.03.2021
2 min read

Central Bank discloses gold export volumes for the last 10 years

State Statistics Committee has published statistics on gold exports.
In 2020, Uzbekistan sold 100 tons of non-monetary gold abroad, Spot writes with reference to the Central Bank report.

This is the first time that ton sales data has been disclosed for 10 years. The State Statistics Committee regularly publishes statistics on gold, but they are in monetary terms, not quantitative ones.

From the CB report, it became known that the sales hit the bottom in 2012 – 10 tons, and reached a peak in 2019 – 110 tons.

Average prices during that period also changed a lot, for example, in 2012 an ounce of gold cost $1,668.9, in 2015 it fell to $1,159.8, and in 2020 it increased to $1,771.

Uzbekistan last exported gold in August 2020. The Central Bank sells gold based on the objectives of effective management of gold and foreign exchange assets, including the analysis of the international precious metals market and the forecast of gold prices.

The Central Bank actively sold gold when it was expensive (up to $2,000). In September, when exports stopped, the metal fell to $1,904. Now it has dropped up to $1,724.

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