19:55 / 09.06.2021

Coronavirus: Official death toll exceeds 700

The Ministry of Health released statistics on COVID-19.

According to the press service of the Health Ministry, on June 8 of this year, 199 people tested positive for coronavirus in the republic.

The total number of registered cases was 102,362.

On June 8, 110 cases were registered in the city of Tashkent, 4 – in Andijan, 4 – in Bukhara, 7 – in Jizzakh, 14 – in Kashkadarya, 2 – in Navoi, 2 – in Namangan, 12 – in Samarkand and 5 – in Surkhandarya region.

In addition, 3 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Syrdarya, 3 – in Fergana, 1 – in Khorezm and 32 – in Tashkent region.

The total number of people cured of coronavirus in the country has reached 98,445, or 96% of the infected.

Also, 2 patients died yesterday, the death toll stands at 701. 

The number of active infections is 3,216.
