POLITICS | 23:28 / 07.07.2021
3 min read

Uzbekistan to change its forensic system

Uzbekistan has adopted a concept for the development of forensic activities in 2021-2025 and a road map for its implementation in 2021-2023.

The President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures to improve the forensic system in Uzbekistan,” the Ministry of Justice reports.

According to the document, from September 1, 2021, state and non-state forensic organizations are granted the right to carry out various types of forensic examinations on a contractual basis by the appeals of individuals and legal entities.

In addition, in economic, civil, and administrative proceedings, a lawyer can initiate an examination in forensic organizations upon request on a contractual basis.

Also, it is planned to introduce a system for certification of experts of non-state forensic organizations every three years.

Also, Uzbekistan will launch a single electronic “E-expertise” information system from March 1, 2022. It is designed for the complex automation of the processes of collecting and processing information about forensic experts and expertise, bringing information on forensic activities to the public and authorized bodies.

Education in this field will be available in a form of dual degree in universities, at the training courses for specialists for at least six months.

“By the decree, the Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Science was established under the Sulaymanova Center for Forensic Science at the Ministry of Justice,” the statement said.

According to the agency, the institute will carry out research in the field of forensic expertise.

The decree also approved sixteen types of examinations and studies that will be introduced in 2021-2025.

In addition, Uzbekistan will start publishing the electronic scientific journal “Forensic Expertise of Uzbekistan”, develop a new version of the Law “On Forensic Expertise”, and organize annual internships and advanced training in foreign countries for at least ten forensic experts.

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