14:56 / 21.09.2021

COVID-19 update: Health Ministry reports 529 coronavirus and 84 pneumonia cases

On September 20, 529 people were diagnosed with coronavirus, 84 with pneumonia in Uzbekistan.

According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of registered coronavirus cases has reached 169,467 (+529).

Reportedly, 253 COVID-19 cases were registered in the city of Tashkent, 8 – in Andijan, 5 – in Bukhara, 12 – in Jizzakh, 6 – in Kashkadarya, 2 – in Navoi, 7 – in Namangan, 38 – in Samarkand, 13 – in Syrdarya, 19 – in Surkhandarya, 33 – in Fergana, 19 – in Khorezm and 114 – in Tashkent region.

5 COVID-19 patients died yesterday, the official death toll – 1,197.

As of September 20, the number of recovered stands at 163,298 (+614).

Also, 84 people tested positive for pneumonia on Monday, bringing the total number of cases to 26,356. According to the Ministry of Health, 381 of them recovered yesterday (23,138 in total).

2 pneumonia patients died on September 20, and to date, the number of deaths from pneumonia is 217.
