POLITICS | 15:19 / 02.11.2021
3 min read

Abdulaziz Kamilov speaks about “unregistered” opposition

Uzbek FM Abdulaziz Kamilov spoke about the “unregistered” opposition.

Photo: MFA Uzbekistan

“These are people who left Uzbekistan for various reasons: political, personal reasons. Nevertheless, many try to present themselves as oppositionists. Perhaps this gives them a certain status, the opportunity to receive some kind of support, including material and financial. Nevertheless, we listen – sometimes letters come from these representatives, messages in such a benevolent sense about what could be done today in terms of economic development of Uzbekistan. However, in many cases there is not quite constructive criticism of Uzbekistan,” he said during a press conference.

The Foreign Minister stressed that this is due not so much to opposition sentiments, but to the desire to demonstrate the importance of his personality, being in certain conditions far from Uzbekistan.

“In the speeches of the leader of Uzbekistan, it has been repeatedly sounded that we are ready to listen to their opinions, we are ready, if they want to return and further serve their Motherland, to support them. This poses no threat to them. Therefore, I would say that it is not so much an extra-systemic, as a haphazard, scattered opposition, individuals. In many cases, they are not very interconnected with each other, there is a rivalry between them to take the first places on the Olympus of the foreign opposition,” Kamilov concluded.

It should be recalled that on December 27, 2019, the President of Uzbekistan, during a meeting with young people, expressed his personal opinion about the foreign opposition.

“As president, I am not against the opposition, but it should be formed in our country, it is necessary to create conditions for this. Let them know people’s problems, eat bread and drink water here,” Mirziyoyev said.

At the same time, the head of state said that he was against the foreign opposition.

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