POLITICS | 16:53 / 30.11.2021
3 min read

President Mirziyoyev approves the concept of public safety 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on measures to approve and implement the concept of public security of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Photo: Kun.uz

“Approve the following developed on the basis of advanced foreign and national experience in ensuring public security and aimed at guaranteed protection of the population from any threats: the Concept of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan; The Strategy for the Development of the Public Security System in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2025; “Roadmap” for the implementation in 2022 of the Strategy for the development of the public security system in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2025,” the document says.

The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to annually approve a program of targeted measures, which provides for specific mechanisms for the implementation of an effective system for ensuring public safety with the establishment of strict control over its implementation; The Security Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan – to establish the practice of hearing and critical discussion every six months of reports of the heads of state bodies on the progress of implementation, including in the context of regions, the “Roadmap” and programs of targeted measures approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to the document, the organization of public order protection during mass events, as well as in parks, squares and markets in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional centers and the city of Tashkent is carried out directly by units of the National Guard.

In 2022-2023, convoy units as part of the regional internal affairs bodies will begradually transferred to the direct subordination of the regional internal affairs bodies with their reorganization according to the principle of inter-district service on the basis of a unified management system.

The National Guard, together with the Ministry of Justice, was instructed to submit a draft law within a month that would provide the National Guard, along with the internal affairs bodies, with powers to consider cases of administrative offenses committed in the field of public order protection.

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