POLITICS | 15:04 / 13.01.2022
2 min read

Uzbekistan plans to increase exports to $14 billion in 2022

Photo: Presidential Press Service

On January 12, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the work of the MIFT and the Agency for Strategic Development.

At the meeting, the consistent development of Uzbekistan’s foreign economic relations was noted – in 2021 alone, more than $10 billion of foreign investments were attracted, including $8.1 billion in direct investment (according to MIFT $8.6 billion).

The total volume of exports in 2021 amounted to $12 billion, which is 30% more than in 2020. The share of finished and partially finished products in its structure has increased.

For 2022, the tasks have been set to launch 282 large investment projects, bring the volume of new foreign direct investment to $9.5 billion, and exports to $14 billion.

Separate investment programs will be developed for spheres and regions with a low level of attracting foreign investments.

The President instructed to monitor the implementation of each project, help its initiators to ensure a timely launch. 

In addition, Mirziyoyev gave instructions on expanding the range of products of local producers and their support – in particular, through guaranteed purchases from enterprises that have mastered the production of goods previously not produced in Uzbekistan.

The activities of the Agency for Strategic Development, created in 2021, were also discussed. Its annual plan includes 18 items.

In particular, the agency plans to introduce an investment climate rating for the regions, create a strategy for attracting investments, and develop an online platform for identifying and solving systemic business problems.

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