15:53 / 25.01.2022

Uzbekistan ranks 140 in international corruption rankings

Uzbekistan ranked second among Central Asian countries in Transparency International's 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index.

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Transparency International has announced an updated ranking of the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2021.

According to the ranking, Uzbekistan jumped by 6 lines compared to 2020, ranking 140th out of 180 countries.

Among Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan has the best result - 102nd place (37 points). Kyrgyzstan is 144th with 27 points, Tajikistan - 150th with 25 points and Turkmenistan - 169th with 19 points.

Denmark, Finland and New Zealand took the lead with 88 points.

South Sudan (11 points), Syria and Somalia (13 points) and Venezuela (14 points) have the worst results.

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