POLITICS | 14:49 / 07.07.2022
3 min read

Uzbekistan becomes a member of UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The republic received the largest number of votes of the countries - 105 out of 180.

Photo: State Committee for Tourism

At the 9th session of the General Assembly of the Member States of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is being held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Uzbekistan was elected a member of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage the press service of the State Committee for Tourism reports.

Uzbekistan became a member of the committee for 4 years, from 2022 to 2026.

In the second regional electoral group of UNESCO (countries of Eastern Europe and some countries of the CIS), 5 candidates competed for two vacant seats: Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Estonia. The largest number of countries voted for Uzbekistan - 105.

It should be recalled that the main tasks of the intergovernmental committee for protecting the intangible cultural heritage are to promote objectives of the Convention, guide best practices and develop recommendations on measures to protect the intangible cultural heritage.

Photo: State Committee for Tourism

The Committee considers requests from States Parties for the inclusion of intangible heritage in the list, proposals for programs and projects, and is also responsible for providing international assistance. 

The Intergovernmental Committee also prepares for the implementation of the Convention. In particular, it develops a set of operational instructions and a plan for the use of funds from the Fund for protecting the intangible cultural heritage, provided for in Article 25 of the Convention. It submits these documents to the General Assembly for approval.

To date, the UNESCO Convention is supported by 180 states. Uzbekistan joined it in 2008.

At present, 10 national elements with the participation of Uzbekistan have been included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, including “Shoshmakom”, “Traditions of preparing pilaf”, “Navruz”, “Khorezm Lazgi dance” and “Art of Bakhshi”.

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