SOCIETY | 19:26 / 21.10.2022
4 min read

An 18-year-old student accused of terrorism in Tashkent, court sentences her to almost 5 years in prison


The Tashkent city courts commented on the judge’s verdict, which caused a resonance among the public. Commenting on the verdict, deputy Rasul Kusherbayev accused the court of lack of humanism.

Information spread on the Internet, which caused a wide resonance, that an 18-year-old girl was sentenced to 4 years in prison. The prosecutor asked the court to mitigate the punishment, but the judge was adamant. The Tashkent city courts commented on the verdict.

It turned out that on March 26 this year, 18-year-old D.J. left for Syria along the route “Uzbekistan - Turkey - Syria” to participate in terrorist activities, but she was exposed and detained in a procedural manner.

The girl was found guilty of committing crimes under the following articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  • Part 1 of Article 155-2 (Passing training, leaving or moving for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities);
  • Paragraph “d”, Part 3 of Article 244-1 (Production, storage, distribution or demonstration of materials containing a threat to public safety and public order using the media or telecommunications networks, as well as the Internet);
  • Part 1 of Article 244-2 (Creation, leadership, participation in religious extremist, separatist, fundamentalist or other prohibited organizations).

The court, taking into account the fact that there is no possibility of re-education of the convict, sentenced her to 4 years 11 months and 26 days of imprisonment.

“It is extremely regrettable that citizen D.J., who has just turned 18, has been sentenced to imprisonment. On social networks, the facts were widely discussed that she had just entered the university and the prosecutor asked for relief. However, one should not forget that whether it is a student or an elderly person, the law is the same for everyone and punishment for a crime is inevitable,” the Tashkent city courts said in a statement.

Deputy Rasul Kusherbayev also commented on the verdict and accused the court of lack of humanism.

“Today, the court sentenced an 18-year-old girl to 4 years and 3 months in prison. At the age of 17, the girl saw a banned video on the Internet and sent it to someone via Telegram.

The defendant became a university student this year. Even the prosecutor asked for a mitigation of punishment. The girl repented of her deed and asked to give her a chance. And the court ruined the girl’s life. It is a pity that in our court there is no humanism like the mercy operations initiated by the President,” he wrote on his Twitter page.

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