BUSINESS | 18:03 / 22.04.2023
4 min read

Silk Avia starts selling tickets for flights to six domestic destinations

The regional airline will start carrying passengers from Tuesday, April 25.

Regional airline Silk Avia will start passenger transportation from April 25, Uzbekistan Airports reported.

Now the company’s fleet consists of three aircraft. At the initial stage, flights will be operated on the six most popular routes:

•  Tashkent – Termez – Tashkent (twice a week);
•  Tashkent – Navoi – Tashkent (twice per week);
•  Tashkent – Namangan – Tashkent (4 times a week);
•  Tashkent – Karshi – Tashkent (4 times a week);
•  Tashkent – Bukhara – Urgench – Bukhara – Tashkent (5 times a week);
•  Tashkent – Samarkand – Urgench – Samarkand – Tashkent (7 times a week).

The time of departures and arrivals is set on the recommendation of tour operators, the company stressed. As new aircraft arrive, the flight schedule will expand and change.

Ticket sales started from today – April 22. One can buy them through the carrier’s website ( or at airport ticket offices.

Passengers can buy a ticket at one of three tariffs, depending on their needs. Details are shown in below:

•  Oddiy tariff – up to 5 kg of hand luggage (no checked luggage);
•  Oson tariff – up to 5 kg of hand luggage (no checked luggage);
•  Omad tariff – up to 5 kg of hand luggage (up to 20 kg of checked luggage).

The depth of sales is now one month – during this time, Silk Avia intends to analyze demand and set up a more flexible tariff policy. Then the company will provide the opportunity to book tickets for up to six months in advance.

In honor of the Ramadan Eid holiday and the start of sales, Silk Avia will sell tickets of any fare at the price of the Oddiy fare until April 30. Depending on the direction, it will be from 17 to 35 euros.

As the company noted, the reduction of additional on-board services made it possible to achieve prices comparable to those of railway transport. Meals, as well as napkins, blankets, pillows and similar items are not provided on board.

The management of Silk Avia set the task of “creating a low-cost airline that quickly, reliably and inexpensively transports people across the republic from point A to point B”. The duration of the flights will be 1-2 hours.

Uzbekistan Airports announced the establishment of an airline for low-cost domestic flights back in November 2021. It was assumed that Silk Avia will start passenger transportation in the fall of 2022.

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