19:26 / 01.05.2023

Legal entities paid 8.7 trillion soums in taxes in Q1

In January-March, 74,074 legal entities operating in the manufacturing sector paid more than 8.7 trillion soums in taxes.

According to the Tax Committee, slightly less than half of them (4.2 trillion soums) are accounted for by 20 taxpayers (except for NMMC and AMMC). Their trade turnover amounted to 32.4 trillion soums, and the amount of tax benefits they applied was 336.5 billion soums.

The revenues provided by these taxpayers, by types of taxes:

- VAT - 1.3 trillion soums;
- excise tax - 953.7 billion soums;
- tax for the use of subsoil - 488.6 billion soums;
- income tax - 430.7 billion soums;
- personal income tax - 226.9 billion soums;
- property tax - 221.6 billion soums;
- social tax - 208.9 billion soums;
- land tax - 94.2 billion soums;
- tax for the use of water resources - 19.8 billion soums;
- other taxes - 216.9 billion soums.

In addition, in January-March 2023, 161,246 legal entities operating in the service sector paid 4.9 trillion soums in taxes.

Of these, 1 trillion soums, that is, 20.7%, falls on 20 organizations. Their trade turnover amounted to 9.4 trillion soums, and the amount of tax benefits they applied reached 494.4 billion soums.

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