17:31 / 22.05.2023

Special forces detained four border guards on the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border

The border guards were engaged in extortion at two checkpoints on the border with Uzbekistan, 24.kg news agency reported with reference to the special service of Kyrgyzstan.

According to the intelligence services, the staff of the checkpoints "Kaytpas" and "Otukchu" systematically extorted money from citizens in the amount of 50 to 1,000 soms (from 57 cents to 11.4 US dollars) for unimpeded passage through the state border section.

Otherwise, the servicemen arranged various obstacles.

It should be recalled that in February of this year, journalist Shokhrukh Saipov showed how Kyrgyz border guards extort money from Uzbeks.

Then the journalist noted that such facts cast a shadow on the image of the country, while the presidents of the two states seek to improve relations in all spheres of life, and asked the authorities to take action.

Later it became  known that Shokhrukh Saipov, who had announced corruption at the Dostuk checkpoint, was threatened. He noted that after the investigation of corruption on the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border, he received threats.

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