BUSINESS | 11:30 / 20.08.2024
2 min read

Malaysian Sunview Group to build 200 MW solar power plant in Fergana

Photo: Ministry of Energy

The Malaysian company Sunview Group is set to build a 200 MW solar power plant in the Fergana region, with the project expected to commence in the fourth quarter of this year. The initiative, valued at $150 million, will be executed through a public-private partnership (PPP), according to the regional government's press service.

On August 18, the regional governor, Khayrullo Bozorov, met with representatives from Sunview Group to discuss the implementation of this renewable energy project.

The Ministry of Energy and Sunview Group have reached an agreement on the project's execution in the field of "green" energy, including the tariffs for the electricity generated.

A land plot in the Fergana district has been allocated to the investor for the development of a feasibility study for the project.

Construction of the photovoltaic power plant is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of this year, between October and December.

In addition to the power plant, Sunview Group has proposed installing solar panels in the homes of low-income families on a sponsorship basis. The company has also initiated plans for inter-university cooperation and the establishment of regional offices in both Malaysia and Uzbekistan.

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