SOCIETY | 19:51 / 30.08.2024
3 min read

Uzbekistan prohibits housing demolition without prior compensation to owners

On August 29, Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved a series of amendments to legislative acts. The law was published in the newspaper "Xalq So’zi" and takes effect from this day.

Photo: Spot

The document includes an addition to the Housing Code aimed at strengthening "guarantees for the protection of private property and the rights of property owners." The preamble notes that the expansion of legal protections for housing is provided for in the updated Constitution.

According to the amendments, no one can be deprived of their housing except by a court decision in accordance with the law. In such cases, the owner must receive prior compensation equivalent to the value of the housing and any incurred losses.

The Housing Code also specifies that changes to the exterior appearance, reconstruction, or demolition of housing must be carried out in accordance with urban planning legislation. Previously, it was stated that these actions were "permitted" with the approval of local authorities.

The Urban Planning Code now includes a prohibition on designing or constructing buildings and structures in areas at risk of mudflows and landslides. This amendment is intended to ensure that potential risks of natural disasters and climate change are considered during construction.

In addition, the law "On Guarantees of Freedom of Entrepreneurial Activity" is supplemented with a provision on the free movement of goods, services, labor resources, and financial assets. Restrictions, suspensions, or bans on their movement based on territorial principles are not allowed.

This amendment was proposed by the Office of the Business Ombudsman in October 2023. The agency noted complaints from several companies regarding the transportation of goods to other regions, including transit for export purposes.

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