SPORT | 13:42 / 07.05.2016
5 min read

Bring iport to naught

Tashkent hosts a specialized exhibition World of Sports-2016.

By the end of this year, according to the Children's Sports Development Fund, 251 sports complexes will be erected in different parts of our country. But there is not enough to raise the walls, cover the roof and decorate inside of the building, it should be equipped for full training. Into new buildings and 212 already constructed complexes and almost into 6.9 thousand rooms in schools this year will be brought sports equipment, apparatus and accessories.

Its whole wide range can be seen these days in one of the pavilions of Uzexpocentre, which as if turned into a huge gym. It housed a novelty sports equipment and inventory of domestic production, clothing and shoes for physically active people, and accessories.

There is enough big percentage of localization in the industry for the production of sporting goods. It has about 150 companies. Several standards is used to assess the activities of the industry - equipment and sports clothing must be of high quality, comfortable and conform to international standards.

We previously wrote that local manufacturers produce 119 of the 120 items of equipment and accessories for the halls, complexes, swimming pools. But private enterprise Qalb Memori Nuri, participating in the exhibition, seems, has decided to fix the «error» firstly in figures and bring the import index to zero.

- Soon we release balls for playing table tennis - that is which is brought from outside the country, - says Director of the company, Ismail Yusupov from Andijan. - And yet, take into consideration the rapidly growing popularity of water sports, gymnastics, we want to master the production of equipment for these disciplines. We will hire more workers because the 25 that are currently working will not cope. Benefits provided by the state to the private sector impact beneficially to the financial situation which allows companies to plan for the long term.

It help to establish communications and exhibitions such as this, as well as the Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange. During this for example we have signed contracts nearly for one billion sums.

But even without that, as director shared, the price list of products mastered with fine print. Otherwise, it is not able to fit 45 items in the exhibition stand. A very wide range of products such as huge tatami with area of almost one and half hundred square metres, punching bag sewn from natural leather and others are supplied to numerous customers.

The capital private enterprises Sport Jihoz Lyux tries to produce without artificial materials. It is already ten years in the market. During this time the range of sportswear, which is produced here, has increased to 32 species. Manufacturers now offer athletes more than twenty varieties of bags and backpacks designed for extreme loads to carry equipment and accessories.

Thirst of sports victories generates a healthy excitement and is inextricably linked with the counting of goals, seconds, points.

Productions of Tashelektroniks are offered in this field, which was also presented at the exhibition. These are variety of display equipments on the remote control.

- A judge holds Tablet PC connected to a central display through the Wi-Fi. With it, for example, he can walk around the fighters, who grappled on the ground, and to capture the required data by clicking on a special panel. And if necessary, remove them immediately on the scoreboard for spectators of the arena - says marketing manager of the company Jamshid Kamolov. - Our experts will set up the entire system turnkey for any discipline. It has already been used successfully in the metropolitan racecourse, which is working now on the orders of the Surkhandarya, Fergana and other regions.


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