16:21 / 22.10.2018

Alisher Usmanov leaves Mail.ru Group

Photo: Getty Images

Alisher Usmanov’s USM holding has handed over the control of the Mail.ru Group to top managers of the company, the press service of the Mail.ru Group said.

According to the company’s report, Mr. Usmanov’s USM holding is no longer the sole supervisor of the Mail.ru Group. Besides, none of the stakeholders alone controls the company through MF Technologies.

From now onwards, the company's general director Boris Dobrodeev possesses control over the holding’s share in Mail.ru Group.

Mr. Usmanov, noting he is leaving the company’s management “with a light heart”, stated that high-tech companies should be led by younger generations.

Furthermore, Russian entrepreneur of Uzbek origin said he intends to announce a charity program by the end of the year in the sphere of sports, culture and assistance to children. He also plans to establish the largest e-commerce company in Europe in cooperation with Alibaba and prevail over Amazon and eBay.

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