19:05 / 14.11.2018

Uzbekistan holds the first GDG-DevFest

One of the main events of Google Developers Group (GDG) - the GDG-DevFest will be held in Uzbekistan for the first time.

Festival is scheduled for November 24 at Inha University in Tashkent. Event will be organized with the support of GDG Tashkent, Inha University in Tashkent (IUT), Youth Union of Uzbekistan, Google Company, Ministry of Public Education and the UNDP representative office in Uzbekistan.

GDG-DevFest is one of the global events held annually by the Google Developers Group. Within the framework of this event, developers, IT-specialists and people who are curious about new technologies will get acquainted with the latest technologies and developments of Google.

Eli Kaplan, a Google specialist, will visit Tashkent in order to attend GDG-Tashkent DevFest.

Participants of the festival will discuss the latest trends in the field of information technology with local and foreign experts.

In particular, attendees will take part in discussions on how to use the blockchain, create mobile applications, use VR/AR technologies for the business, and more.

It should be noted that starting from 2015, IUT holds a Google I/O Extended Tashkent conference for young professionals. The conference has become a unique platform for young Uzbek specialists to get acquainted with innovative solutions of Google.

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