SOCIETY | 22:14 / 30.11.2018
1 min read

Policeman was beaten by four hooligans in Jizzakh region

In Jizzakh region, four men, who had previously been convicted, beat up a cop, correspondent reports.

“On November 29, 2018, in the territory of Forish district of Jizzakh region, four hoodlums bludgeoned a policeman, who was on his duty in this area, and disappeared from the scene,” the Interior Ministry reported.

As a result, the employee of Internal Affairs was hospitalized.

In the course of the measures taken, it was identified that previously convicted Sh.U., F. G.,  J. Kh. – residents of the makhalla “Khonbandi” and Kh. M. – a citizen of the makhalla “Oktepa” committed the crime and they were all detained.

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