21:10 / 08.01.2019

Kyrgyzstan establishes business ombudsman institution

Kyrgyz Prime Minister Muhamedkaliy Abilgaziyev signed on Tuesday a decree on creation of business ombudsman institution in Kyrgyzstan, Akipress reported.

A business ombudsman institution is a body established to defend businesses and entrepreneurs with legitimate claims against state or sub-state entities that infringe on their rights.

The establishment will have its own secretariat, which will deal with the complaints and reports from entrepreneurs.

The institution and its secretariat are not the state bodies and will not be regulated by state, the government said. 

Any citizen of Kyrgyzstan and other countries can become a business ombudsman, elected for 5 years. The post is restricted to 2 terms.

Business ombudsman’s activity is financed by international development partners.

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