BUSINESS | 16:59 / 09.03.2019
2 min read

Customs officers prevent smuggling of cash foreign currency in Tashkent region 

Employees of the Tashkent region customs department have revealed violations of rules on export and import of cash foreign currency through the customs border of the republic.

In particular, employees of border customs post "Navoi" inspected personal belongings of the citizen M. E. with participation of attesting witnesses. It was detected that this person attempted to smuggle $4100 without mentioning in the customs declaration.

Employees of the Customs Department for Combating Counterfeit and Customs Infringement held an operative event to prevent the illegal export of currencies through the "Navoi" customs post.

During the event, it was identified that citizen Yu. U. attempted to export illegally 390 thousand Russian rubles in cash. To implement such unlawful plan, he convinced the citizens R. D., S. B. and A. A. to help him in taking out the foreign currency to a neighboring state for material incentives.

Currently, customs investigations are underway on the above cases.

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