POLITICS | 21:35 / 16.03.2019
6 min read

President Mirziyoyev instructs to abolish almost 1,200 posts in prosecution bodies

Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On measures to fundamentally improve the system for protecting business activities and optimizing the activities of prosecution bodies”.

According to the document, from April 1, 2019, the followings will be implemented:

- coordination of inspections of the activities of business entities and control over legality of their conduct by the controlling bodies is carried out by the presidential representative for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of business entities;

- decisions of the ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in terms of conducting inspections on the activities of business entities are mandatory for execution by the regulatory authorities;

- The Chamber of Commerce and Industry participates in ensuring activities of the ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in the field of coordination of inspections on activities of business entities by exercising public control over the legality of inspections in activities of business entities conducted by regulatory authorities.

The single system of electronic registration of inspections is transferred from the General Prosecutor's Office to the ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs.

The followings will be abolished in the prosecution system of Uzbekistan:

- two posts of the Deputy Prosecutor General;

- department for the legal protection of business and investments at the Prosecutor General's Office;

- department for supervision of the execution of decisions of the President at the General Prosecutor's Office and its territorial divisions;

- department for supervision of executing legislation in the field of implementing tax and customs reforms at the General Prosecutor's Office and its territorial divisions;

- positions of deputy prosecutors of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, deputy and assistant prosecutors of districts (cities) responsible for overseeing implementing legislation in the field of tax and customs reforms;

- positions of deputies and senior assistants to prosecutors of districts (cities) responsible for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of business entities;

- department for protection of entrepreneurship and combating offenses in foreign economic activity of the department for combating economic crimes at the General Prosecutor's Office.

The inspection for the control of agrarian-industrial complex and ensuring food security is transferred to the Cabinet of Ministers with preservation of the current financing procedure. The agency will be transformed into the Inspectorate for the Control of agrarian-industrial complex under the Cabinet of Ministers.

1,198 full-time staff of the prosecution bodies released in accordance with this decree, will be sent for staffing:

- office of the Ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs – 87 units;

- division of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan – 470 units.

The General Prosecutor’s Office is entrusted to ensure, in accordance with the established procedure, the transfer to the ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs of vehicles assigned to deputy prosecutors of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, who are responsible for supervising the implementation of legislation in the area of tax and customs reforms, as well as computer equipment necessary for ensuring the effective activity of employees of the ombudsman’s office functioning in regions.

The Cabinet of Ministers was entrusted to implement the followings within a month:

- submitting a draft presidential decree on the organization of activities of the Inspectorate for the Control of agrarian-industrial complex under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- providing a solution to necessary financial, material-technical and transport issues for effective organization of activities of the office of ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs;

- in coordination with the ombudsman for protecting the rights of entrepreneurs and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, approving the regulation on the procedure for approval and conduct of inspections of activities of business entities by regulatory bodies.

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