POLITICS | 21:35 / 27.03.2019
2 min read

Public services to be available at any point of the Republic from April 1

On February 15, the President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures for further integrated development of the national system of public services”.

According to the document, starting from June 1, 2019, individuals and legal entities are entitled to receive public services in public service centers (PSC) on an extraterritorial basis.

For information: the principle of extraterritoriality in obtaining public services is the ability to contact the center of public services in any region of the republic, regardless of the place of permanent (temporary) registration of citizens and the postal address (location) of legal entities.

To accelerate the introduction of this convenience, the staff of the Agency of Public Services carried out the relevant work. As a result, from April 1 of this year, individuals and legal entities can receive the majority of services on the principle of extraterritoriality.

For example, an entrepreneur who wants to do business in Tashkent city may be registered in the Samarkand region. This principle applies not only to the registration process of entrepreneurship. In any desired PSC, most state services can be obtained in such way.

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