15:59 / 29.03.2019

People's Bank Chairman Abdurasul Abdullayev leaves his post

Chairman of the People's Bank Abdurasul Abdullayev left his post in connection with being transferred to another job, Kun.uz correspondent said.

Abdurasul Abdullayev

According to reports, he was appointed deputy chairman of the State Committee of Veterinary and Livestock.

Abdullayev was born in 1968 in the Kashkadarya region. In 1991, he graduated from Tashkent State University of Economics. He has been working in the banking sphere since 1995 and headed the People's Bank starting from 2014.

It should be noted that recently a presidential decree was adopted on measures to fundamentally improve the system of state administration in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. According to the document, the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine is reorganized into the State Committee of Veterinary and Livestock. The Committee will implement a unified state policy in the field of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and breeding.

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