BUSINESS | 18:45 / 09.04.2019
1 min read

300−350 thousand cubic meter a day of gas influx obtained from well Nr. 7 at the Uchtepa field, Andijan

According to Uzbekneftegaz, 300−350 thousand cubic meter a day of gas influx was obtained from the exploration well Nr. 7 of the Uchtepa field.

The well, located in the Bulakbashi district of the Andijan region, was drilled to a depth of 1350 m.

Officials noted that gas condensate studies will be performed within 10 days to determine the pressure, temperature and composition of the gas.

The natural gas influx from well Nr. 7 has increased the potential of the field and expanded its limit.

It should be noted that earlier, industrial level gas influxes of up to 386 thousand cubic meters per day were obtained from the 4 wells of the Uchtepa field.

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