POLITICS | 20:15 / 09.04.2019
3 min read

Tashkent-Amsterdam teleconference on 101 Uzbek soldiers shot by the Nazis to take place today

On April 9, 2019, at 9 pm by Tashkent time, a direct teleconference “Tashkent - Amsterdam” will take place, to commemorate the day of the Nazi heroes from the “Detachment 101” shot by the Nazis on this day 77 years ago.

According to the MFA, the teleconference, organized by the Embassy of our country in the BENILUX countries, the Association of Compatriots in the Netherlands, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, will be attended by the authors of the novel “101” Anvar Irgashev and Julia Medvedovskaya, the Dutch researchers Remco Reiding and his colleagues, leaders of state and public organizations, diplomats, representatives of domestic and foreign media.

The unique project “101” is based on recently obtained documentary on the heroic and tragic fate of one hundred and one soldiers from Uzbekistan during the Second World War. Going through courageously and with dignity all torments in the concentration camp of the Dutch city Amersfoort, they died without knowledge that they completely destroyed Hitler’s cunning plan and prevented the fascists from changing the course of world history. 

Uzbek soldiers became victims of the “propaganda machine” of fascist Germany and were specially selected for a particularly important and secret plan – creation of a propaganda film about soldiers of the Red Army, where they were supposed to look deprived of human dignity, weak and primitive creatures. And all of this was done in order to raise the shaky spirit of German soldiers before one of the main battles of the Second World War – the battle for Moscow. The heroism, discipline and national culture shown by the Uzbek prisoners in the Amersfoort concentration camp did not allow Hitler’s plans to materialize. There were only one hundred and one people, but they were real warriors.

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