22:22 / 12.04.2019

State Statistics Committee reports on sharp increase in the number of new companies

Photo: Shutterstock

In January-March 2019, 31,593 enterprises and organizations were established in Uzbekistan, which follows from the data of the State Statistics Committee. For comparison, in the same periods of 2017 there were 14,049, in 2018 - 15,495.

The main part of new organizations and enterprises accounted for trade - 13,500. In second place is industry (6,400), in third place - construction (2,700).

The main business activity, as usual, is concentrated in Tashkent - 6,400 new companies were opened here. Samarkand region is in the second place (3 thousand), Fergana - the third (2.9 thousand).

In total, as of April 1, there are 350.7 thousand existing enterprises and organizations in Uzbekistan. Of these, 291.5 thousand - commercial enterprises. Most of them are registered as LLC (187 thousand). On the second place - private enterprises (78.9 thousand), on the third - family businesses (18.6 thousand).

The number of companies with foreign capital amounted to 8,280. A sharp increase was also recorded here compared to the same period of last year - 42.4%. For comparison, in 2017, there were 5,100, and in 2018 - 5,800. Leadership belongs to Russia (1532), China (1222) is a little bit lagging behind.

Foreigners are mainly invested in industry (3188 companies) and trade (1891).

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