SOCIETY | 21:06 / 24.04.2019
3 min read

Unemployment rate in Uzbekistan recorded at 9.4% in January-March 2019

In the first quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate in Uzbekistan was equal to 9.4%. This was reported by the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations.

Reportedly, this indicator is 0.1% more than in January-December 2018 (9.3%), but it is 0.3% lower than in January-March 2018. The highest unemployment rate was registered in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Syrdarya and Fergana regions at 9.7%, the lowest – in the city of Tashkent (8.0%). The number of people in need of employment was 1 391.1 thousand people. Unemployment rate among youth under the age of 30 was 15.3%.

The number of socially active population reached 14,767.1 thousand people (1% higher than in January-March 2018). At the same time, the share of the formal social sector is 5,412.1 thousand people. This indicator has increased by 176,300 people (by 3.4%) due to the increase in the number of those employed in the social sphere (92,200), as well as the increase in the number of entrepreneurs without a patentable legal entity (76,900).

Employment in the informal sector remained the same with last year – 7,963.9 thousand people. At the same time, the number of temporary and seasonal works increased by 41,900, while those without work contracts and entrepreneurship without a special permit decreased slightly (by 3,600).

The number of socially non-active population was 4,186.8 thousand people (increased by 1%).

The results of the survey show that the number of workers who went abroad (19,400) has decreased significantly by 2 365.4 thousand people.

In January-March 2019, 173,265 people (61,880 of whom were aged 16-30) appealed to labor organizations. 61,983 of the total number of applicants were employed, 49,016 were involved in public works, 6,977 were directed to vocational training, 3,863 were granted unemployment benefits.

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