BUSINESS | 20:50 / 24.04.2019
2 min read

Uzbekistan reduces sugar imports

Photo: TASS

Uzbekistan continues to reduce import of sugar. This is evidenced by the data of the State Statistics Committee.

In the first quarter of 2019, the country bought sugar for $21.7 million. This is 16.7% less than in the same period last year.

In January-February, the republic imported foreign sugar worth $18.3 million. This is almost 81% less than in January-February 2018.

In recent years, sugar deficiency has been repeatedly observed in Uzbekistan. One of such cases happened in 2015, when the retail price of sugar rose dramatically.

In 2017, customs duties for sugar imports have been lifted, which has led to influx of foreign sugar. 

Due to imported sugar not only the needs of the Uzbek population were met, but the price was also lowered, Uzbekozikovkatkholding said.

In 2018, Uzbekistan consumed imported sugars due to the fact that local plants did not operate at all.

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