SOCIETY | 16:10 / 29.04.2019
3 min read

Hooligans beat a man standing up for a woman in Tashkent (video)

On social networks, a video has gone viral in which a group of people injured a man.

According to the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Tashkent, the incident occurred on April 22 at approximately 23:00 at the “Chakar” Mahalla, Shakhantakhur district. That evening, 38-year-old Abdukhamid Kh. and his acquaintances Dilshod G. (37) and Abror M. (38), dined in a café located in this Mahalla.

Abdukhamid Kh., who was drunk, mistreated the 23-year-old waitress Rano. A visitor named Azim (Aziz), who was present during the conflict, interceded for the girl. Then he went out of the cafe to leave. Abdukhamid and his two acquaintances, ignoring the rules of behavior in a public place, provoked an incident published later on the Internet.

“After the incident, Azim (Aziz) left. So far neither the medical institutions, nor the police department received application about the incident. Therefore, it was not possible to establish his identity,” the police department said.

Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, hooligans for some time refused to obey the requirements of police patrol to stop the illegal actions and come to the nearest internal affairs department.

According to the appeal of Rano R., Internal Affairs Department of the Shaykhantakhur district filed a protocol against Abdukhamid Kh., Dilshod G. and Abror M. on administrative offence under Article 183 (“Minor hooliganism”) and Part 1 of Article 194 (“Failure to fulfill the legal requirements of an employee of the internal affairs bodies”) of the Administrative Liability Code.

The Shaykhantakhur district administrative court found these persons guilty of committing offenses and sentenced them to administrative arrest for a period of 15 days each.

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