SOCIETY | 20:00 / 17.05.2019
2 min read

Passenger bus overturns in Samarkand injuring 23 people 

On the morning of May 16, a road accident occurred on Dagbid Street in Samarkand near the hotel “Diamond” as a result of a collision between a “Midibus” and Spark car, STV reports.

According to the press service of the Regional Traffic Safety Department, the accident occurred as a result of violating road safety rules by the 27-year-old Spark driver D. Kholbekov, who was driving on the opposite lane. The public bus driver O. Akhmatov, born in 1968, was moving from the Marifat Street towards the Imam Al Bukhoriy Street.

As a result of the collision, the bus hit the Spark and collapsed on its side. Both drivers with injuries of varying degrees were taken to the Samarkand branch of the emergency medical care center.

According to unofficial data obtained at the Samarkand branch of the emergency medical care center, the number of victims in the accident is 23 people. Six of them are placed in the departments of traumatology, neurosurgery and pediatric surgery. The rest of them, after an examination and first aid, were allowed home.

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