11:45 / 22.05.2019

Uzbekistan’s first hotel on international halal standard to be built in Samarkand

Photo: State Committee for Tourism Development

In Samarkand, the ceremony of laying the foundation for the construction of Sahid Imam Al-Bukhari hotel took place, the State Committee for Tourism Development informs.

The hotel, whose construction is carried out by the Sahid Group together with the company SAG on the territory of the Imam al-Bukhari complex, will be the first halal accommodation facility in Uzbekistan.

At the first stage, it is planned to commission 100 rooms and in the next 5 years their number will reach 300.

The guests of the event got acquainted with the work on the construction of the Sahid Royal Palace Hotel in Samarkand and visited the Imam Al-Bukhari Research Center.

Photo: State Committee for Tourism Development
Photo: State Committee for Tourism Development