BUSINESS | 11:41 / 26.09.2019
2 min read

Chinese company to produce pickups in Uzbekistan


Chinese company Hebei Good Hope Logistics Development Co. organizes the production of passenger-and-freight electric vehicles (pickups) in Uzbekistan, Spot writes with reference to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The corresponding agreement was reached in April this year within the framework of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visit to China to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

In addition to pickup production, Hebei Good Hope Logistics Development Co. will launch a number of projects in the territory of the free economic zone “Angren”. This includes production of:

  • high-quality architectural glass (3−12 mm);
  • bicycles (localizing the production up to 50%);
  • electrical products (motors, pumps, electric construction tools and so on);
  • PV modules;
  • and other.

The projects are expected to be launched starting from January 2021.

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