11:32 / 08.11.2019

A plane of Uzbekistan Airways en route Beijing-Tashkent makes an emergency landing in Lanzhou

Uzbekistan Airways plane, flying on the route Beijing-Tashkent, made an emergency landing at the airport in Lanzhou (PRC) due to the poor health of five passengers, the press service of the Foreign Ministry said.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in China, the event took place on November 6 at 23.50 local time.

“The plane en route Beijing-Tashkent made an emergency landing at Lanzhou Airport in Gansu Province due to the poor health of five passengers,” the report said.

After landing and first aid, they were all hospitalized in the city clinical hospital.

Four hours later, the plane flew to Tashkent.

The embassy has established contact with the medical institution and keeps the situation under control.

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