POLITICS | 15:06 / 19.11.2019
2 min read

Drug smugglers from Tajikistan sentenced to 12 years in Uzbekistan


As a result of joint operational measures of the Internal Affairs Directorate and the State Security Service of Khorezm region, the criminal activity of Tajik citizens on drug smuggling was prevented, the Investigation Department under the Interior Ministry reported.

In particular, on June 5, 2019 at 01:30, citizens of Tajikistan, 34-year-old I. U. and 36-year-old K. D., having entered into a preliminary conspiracy, smuggled opium narcotic substance across the border into Uzbekistan. It was sealed in 6 plastic bags and placed in the gas tank of a VAZ-2110 car, operated by K. D. 

Smugglers were detained in the city of Samarkand while selling the narcotic drug for $20,000 to a “buyer”, who was specially attracted for the operational event.

On this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under Part 5 of Article 273 (illegal sale of narcotic drugs), Part 2 of Article 266 (smuggling) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. During the preliminary investigation, citizens of Tajikistan were charged and a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against them.

On November 5, the Urgench district court on criminal proceedings found K. D. and I. U. guilty under Part 5 of Article 273 and Part 2 of Article 266 of the Criminal Code. Thus, K. D. was sentenced to 11 years in prison and I. U. – 12 years in prison.

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