23:03 / 28.11.2019

Akram Mukhamatkulov: “Social media is becoming the fifth power in Uzbekistan”

On November 27, UzInvest forum took place at the Glaziers Hall in London. The head of the PR center of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications Akram Mukhamatkulov spoke about the changes in the information sphere to potential investors.

As Kun.uz correspondent reports from London, the AIMC official noted that the social networking activity in Uzbekistan has been increasing.

“Social networking activity is growing. In the past, we had violence and fear, people were afraid to express their opinions. Now we have social media. If we consider the traditional media to be the fourth power, today we can see that social media is probably becoming the fifth power,” Mukhamatkulov said.

“I returned to Uzbekistan at the beginning of this year. The president put forward an initiative to return compatriots with experience in western countries. I have lived abroad for almost 20 years.

Today’s Uzbekistan enormously differ from the one in 2016. The state is changing, the community is changing.

One of the main tasks of the AIMC is to ensure transparency of all government bodies and state enterprises, and assist them in establishing public relations,” Akram Mukhamatkulov emphasized.

He added that the government of Uzbekistan is ready to cooperate with foreign media and international organizations.

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