16:24 / 14.01.2020

Uzbekistan to allocate over $500 million to organize the production of new car models

$534.3 million will be spent on organizing the production of new car models in Asaka, follows from the Investment Program for 2020-2022, approved on January 9 by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

According to Spot, the initiator of the project is Uzavtosanoat. Design capacity is 190 thousand units of car.

In addition, it is planned to expand production at Samauto in 2020-2021. Up to 10 thousand units of vehicles can be produced at the plant. The total project cost is $30 million.

It should be reminded that at the end of 2019, UzAuto Motors introduced four new models. Uzavtosanoat noted that at the first stage, cars are imported from the USA, China and Thailand.

If sales volumes grow within six months, UzAuto Motors will allocate financing for the production of these models within the republic.

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