BUSINESS | 21:09 / 30.01.2020
2 min read

Uzbekistan plans to increase gas reserves to 361 billion cubic meters by 2025 

In 2020-2025, an increase in natural gas reserves of Uzbekistan may reach 361 billion cubic meters, oil - 20.4 million tons. The corresponding draft government decree, developed by the State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources of the country, was published on the portal for discussing draft normative-legal acts. 

In 2020-2025, an increase in natural gas reserves of Uzbekistan may reach 361 billion cubic meters, oil - 20.4 million tons. The corresponding draft government decree, developed by the State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources of the country, was published on the portal for discussing draft normative-legal acts. 

“Approving target forecast indicators of hydrocarbon reserves growth for 2020-2025. Natural gas - 361 billion cubic meters, oil and condensate - 20.4 million tons,” the document says.

In particular, Uzbekneftegaz plans to increase gas reserves up to 120 billion cubic meters and oil - to 5 million tons. Epsilon Development Company LLC (registered in the USA) - to 194 billion cubic meters and 9 million tons, respectively. NaturalGas-Stream JV, created by Gas Project Development Central Asia (a structure of Gazprom) and Uzbekneftegaz, to 11 billion cubic meters and 600,000 tons, respectively.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in 2019, the production of natural gas in Uzbekistan compared to 2018 decreased by 1.6%, to 59.46 billion cubic meters, and gas condensate - by 2.2%, to 2.098 million tons.

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