POLITICS | 16:59 / 18.02.2020
2 min read

Dilfuza Uralova becomes district khokim in Syrdarya

In Syrdarya, Dilfuza Uralova has been appointed as a khokim.

 On February 18, an extraordinary session of the Boyovut district Council of people’s deputies took place.

As the press service of the Syrdarya regional khokimiyat reports, an organizational issue was considered at the session. Ulmasjon Mamadaminov was relieved of his post as khokim of the Boyovut district in connection with his transfer to another job and deputies unanimously approved the decision of the regional khokim to appoint Dilfuza Uralova as khokim of the Boyovut district.

Ulmasjon Mamadaminov

It should be noted that Dilfuza Uralova was awarded the medal “Shuhrat” in 2012. She is a deputy of the Syrdarya regional Council of people’s deputies, a member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis.

Dilfuza Uralova

Uralova graduated from the Gulistan State University in 1990. In 1990-2001, she worked as a teacher of the secondary public school No. 10, located in the Mirzaobod district of Syrdarya region. In 2001-2010, she was a deputy director on spiritual and educational affairs and director of the same school.

In 2010-2017, she worked as deputy khokim of the Mirzaobod district of Syrdarya region, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee, deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis.

From 2017 to the present day, she has been deputy khokim of the Syrdarya region, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee.

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