SOCIETY | 19:30 / 18.02.2020
1 min read
Population of Uzbekistan exceeds 34 million – State Statistics Committee
As of February 18, 2020, the resident population of Uzbekistan amounted to 34,002,879 people.
According to the State Statistics Committee, the number of men was 17,093,247 people, women - 16,909,632.
In addition, 127,376 children were born and 29,191 deaths were registered in the republic.
It should be recalled that the resident population of Uzbekistan as of January 1, 2020 amounted to 33,905,800 people and since the beginning of the year it has increased by 650,300 people or by 2%.
Analysis by regions of the republic showed that as of January 1, 2020, the largest population was recorded in Samarkand - 11.4% (share in the total population of the republic), Fergana - 11.1%, Kashkadarya - 9.7% and Andijan - 9.2% regions.