20:40 / 07.03.2020

Transport Ministry of Uzbekistan, Boeing eye to expand bilateral cooperation 

Transport Minister of Uzbekistan Elyor Ganiyev received the CEO of Boeing Business Jets, Greg Laxton. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of expanding bilateral cooperation.

Photo: Ministry of Transport

According to the ministerial press service, the representative of Boeing Business Jets emphasized that Uzbekistan ranks first in the region in terms of the number of Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft in its air fleet.

Uzbekistan’s Minister of Transport Elyor Ganiyev noted that further expansion of mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation with Boeing and joint work in this direction will be of great interest for the republic.

The Boeing Business Jet series are variants of Boeing jet airliners for the corporate jet market. The BBJ division offers 11 products derived from Boeing’s airliners.

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