20:54 / 22.03.2020

“16 people, who have been tested positive for coronavirus, were in contact with one patient” – Minister of Internal Affairs

According to Interior Minister Pulat Bobojonov, 16 out of the 43 people, who were diagnosed with coronavirus, were in contact with one patient.

Photo: KUN.UZ

“According to the analysis, from February 27 to March 22 of this year, 837,000 citizens, who entered the country through the border, were examined by employees of the border services and medical personnel. During the medical examination, 19,479 persons, who arrived from countries with poor epidemic status, were identified and sent to a 14-day medical observation at their place of residence.

To date, 6,748 people have been released from the 14-day quarantine in accordance with the Health Ministry’s conclusion, and 12,731 people remain under medical supervision.

Of these, 7,416 people are placed in hospitals, 5,315 people stay at their homes. 9,564 people, including one policeman, chairmen of mahalla institutions and healthcare workers, are assigned to each neighborhood to ensure that the quarantined people follow the established rules.

From March 15 to March 22, 42 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in the country. In 16 cases, infected people were in close contact with one patient. These figures show the need to reduce mutual communication in the current situation, and strictly adhere to procedures to prevent the transmission of the disease,” Pulat Bobojonov said.

The Minister emphasized that all citizens staying in a “family quarantine” have familiarized themselves with Article 54 of the Administrative Responsibility Code (violation of anti-epidemic regulations) and Article 2571 of the Criminal Code (violation of sanitary legislation or anti-epidemic regulations) and have been officially warned.
