08:35 / 31.03.2020

“Now taxi drivers do not have to pay a daily fee to taxi fleets” – Ministry of Transport

Taxis are not allowed to carry passengers. This means that taxi drivers do not have to pay a daily fee to taxi fleets.

Photo: KUN.UZ

The press secretary of the Transport Ministry Navruz Ashurmatov spoke about the activities of taxis during the quarantine period, Kun.uz correspondent reports.

“According to a decision of the Special Republican Commission, from March 30, 2020, taxis (within their registered administrative territory) with a license to engage in passenger transportation can provide courier (delivery) services, but not passenger transportation.

In this case, no special permit is required for taxis to travel on the streets.

Simply put, taxis are not allowed to carry passengers. This means that drivers do not have to pay a daily fee to taxi fleets.

The issue of daily payments of taxi drivers, engaged in courier (delivery) services, the relationship between the driver and the courier organization is regulated by the labor legislation,” the press secretary of the Transport Ministry said.
