11:43 / 11.08.2020

Two people killed, four injured in a traffic accident in Zaamin district

Photo: Investigation Department

As a result of the collision of an Isuzu truck and a Lada Largus car in the Zaamin district of the Jizzakh region, two people died, four more were hospitalized, the press service of the Investigative Department reported.

The traffic accident happened on August 10 at about 16:30. The driver of Lada-Largus, in order to overtake a car in front, drove into the opposite lane, where he collided with an Isuzu truck.

As a result of the collision, the passengers of the Lada-Largus 31-year-old Kh.B. and 55-year-old B.B. died at the scene. Driver R.A. and other passengers – 30-year-old B.B. and his children (6-year-old G.R. and 4-year-old R.R.), received various bodily injuries, they were taken to a medical institution.

On this fact, the Investigation Department under the Zaamin district DIA initiated a criminal case under Part 3, Article 266 of the Criminal Code (Violation of traffic safety rules or the operation of vehicles, resulting in human casualties). Currently, a preliminary investigation is underway.

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