SOCIETY | 22:45 / 18.08.2020
2 min read

Public Council proposes declaring August 17 as Tashkent City Day 

The Public Council of the Tashkent khokimiyat proposed to announce August 17 as the Tashkent City Day and widely celebrate the holiday annually.

“There have long been discussions about the designation of the Tashkent City Day – Tashkent still does not have its own holiday. And there is a good reason to choose this particular date for it,” the Council informs.

It was noted that 90 years ago, on August 17, 1930, the capital of Uzbekistan was moved from Samarkand to Tashkent. The reason for this was the optimization of the management, taking into account the proximity of the main cotton-growing and industrial region – the Fergana Valley. 

Representatives of the Public Council propose that the next Sunday after August 17 be considered the Tashkent City Day and widely celebrate it annually.

The proposed date is said to be optimal for a number of reasons and is convenient for celebrations.

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