18:42 / 23.09.2020

Construction of Hyundai plant in Namangan starts in October

At the invitation of the khokim of Namangan, Khayrullo Bozorov, a delegation headed by the Executive Vice President of Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association (KUBA) under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea, Kim Chang Keon, visited the region to discuss acceleration of joint investment projects, the Dunyo information agency reports.

The parties discussed the agreements on further practical stages of construction of the “Hyundai” commercial car production plant on the territory of the “Namangan” free economic zone. It is noted that the project is scheduled to start before the end of October 2020 as the South Korean company Hyundai Motors decides the technical parameters of the investment project.

The delegation also visited the territory allocated for the automobile plant to familiarize themselves with plans for the construction of the facility.
